Each division has its own well-defined specialty, and works together with other divisions to achieve stronger teamwork, leading to the development of true synergy, which can be harnessed to assure a stronger and more stable organization while assuring greater optimization of product value.
Crafting Spaces with Optimal Beauty Design / Planning & Development
A high level of craftsmanship is apparent in our various responses to the concept of space. We coordinate a wide variety of materials in specific space applications.
We collect and analyze a broad array of interior data from Japan and abroad.
Various materials and ideas are gathered based on the results of analysis.
Ideas are realized through innovative and creative approaches.
Responding to Modern Issues Technology / Quality Control
Advances in photoengraving technique technology have enabled materials with a more realistic feel, while life cycle assessment has contributed greatly to our environmental response.
Independent networks within and outside the company have enabled specific inspection of technology.
Selection of the most suitable factories, along with discussions of material procurement and manufacturing methods, have been performed.
We have developed individual LCA procedures, along with methods to cope with safety and environmental issues.
Speed and Stability Production and Distribution Management
Based on a strictly managed production system, high quality products with remarkable safety characteristics can be steadily and reliably supplied with confidence.
A system with high standards assures the swift and exacting supply to the workplace.
Efficient networking assures effective production bases with desired characteristics.
Production base networks can be reconfigured at any time to meet contemporary needs.
Versatile Wisdom Applied Consulting Operations
Accumulated technology and expertise can be systematized between divisions, while consulting operations can be employed.
We offer engineering systems with domestic and overseas networks, along with supply development systems.
Production systems, factory design guidance and technical manufacturing guidance, along with education and expertise support.